Sadler Seminars 2022/23
Sadler Seminars 2022-23
The Sadler Seminars ran for a year with activities each semester including talks, performances, debates, outreach activities, and grant-writing workshops.
In the scheme’s eighth year we were delighted to support the following projects:
Telling Operatic Stories: Race, ethics, and authenticity
In recent years, the opera industry and academic study of opera have grappled with the ethics of presenting stories on the stage. In this project, scholars and industry partners will work together to explore questions around how (and which) audiences listen, who has the right to tell certain stories, and how organisations facilitate or inhibit authentic creative voices.
Social justice in and through educations
This Sadler Series brings together young people and academics to develop youth-led and interdisciplinary understandings of social justice in and through educations.
In 2022-23 the following Sadler Seminar Series teams continued to develop their research projects and associated activities:
Interdisciplinary Interventions in the Brotherton Special Collections
How might interdisciplinary and practice-led research collaborations with external practitioners develop new ways to engage the public with the items contained within museum and library collections?
Simple Models / Complex Diseases
The stripping away of real-world variability and complexity is a central – perhaps indispensable – strategy for scientists seeking to understand diseases. This seminar series will bring together disease modellers with historians and philosophers of science to ask how scientists using model systems to investigate disease causes and cures can better balance the virtues of simplification with the virtues of taking full account of how unsimple disease really is.
The Cultural Life of Money and Finance
How can the arts and humanities help us understand, question and imagine finance, and its changing place in the world? This project aims to explore the ways in which the arts and humanities can engage with debates on money and finance, at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic is causing profound change in the global financial system, as innovation in financial practice continues apace, and as citizens, investors, NGOs and policymakers engage with the role of finance in tackling the climate crisis.