Sadler Seminars 2020/21
Curating and Exhibiting Visual Culture in Times of Coronavirus
What are the challenges and opportunities presented by lockdown/post-lockdown for curation and exhibition of visual art, both in the UK and abroad? In this seminar series we are particularly interested in examining the impact (if any) that migration to online spaces is having on the promotion of and access to artworks produced by women and ethnic minorities.
The Cultural Life of Money and Finance
How can the arts and humanities help us understand, question and imagine finance, and its changing place in the world? This project aims to explore the ways in which the arts and humanities can engage with debates on money and finance, at a time when the Covid-19 pandemic is causing profound change in the global financial system, as innovation in financial practice continues apace, and as citizens, investors, NGOs and policymakers engage with the role of finance in tackling the climate crisis.
African Knowledges for Global Challenges
This seminar series explores how Africa can serve as a starting point for articulating existing, and developing new knowledges relating to major societal challenges. This is critical to decentring Western epistemologies and politics of knowledge production, and decolonising GCRF and SDG discourses and practices.
Using Scenography to Understand the Experience of Urban Space
Relationships between people and their urban environments are crucial in understanding the resilience of cities; the affective, creative and imaginative dimension of those relationships is important but difficult to access. Using seminars and creative workshops, we will explore opportunities for interdisciplinary research between scenography, urban design, urban communication and others such as human geography and sociology to test the potential of using scenographic methods for research into urban experience and resilience.