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Sadler Seminars 2017/18

What to Eat? Values and Food Choice

Aaron Meskin (School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science; School of Psychology and Leeds University Business School)
The empirical and conceptual analysis of the diverse and interacting values influencing food choice.

Language and Nature: Bio-linguistic diversity across the continents

Janet Watson (School of Languages, Cultures and Societies & School of Sociology and Social Policy)
The diversity of ways in which nature is represented linguistically, and the links between linguistic and bio-diversity.

Signs Beyond Borders: Meaning-making Across Sign and Spoken Languages

Elisabetta Adami (School of Languages, Cultures and Societies & School of Education)
Looking at new interpretative frames of communication and language through hands-on video-data analysis of deaf/hearing interactions in multilingual/multicultural contexts.

Touch: Sensing, Feeling, Knowing

Helen Steward (School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science & School of Psychology)
On this puzzling and neglected sense modality in wider perspective, philosophical especially, but also psychological, medical etc.

Cinema’s Past, Present and Future

Angelos Koutsourakis (Centre for World Cinemas and Digital Cultures)
A discussion on cinema’s past, present and futures.

New Materialism in Artistic Practice

Scott McLaughlin (School of Music & School of Performance and Cultural Industries)
A practice-based inquiry into the relationship between knowing and doing in the work of artists across a range of media

'Music 625’: Performance and Music TV, 1960 and After

Tim Boon (Cheney Fellow & Music, SMC, Brotherton & Science Museum)
Looking at how the developing televisual form of 'arts-on-TV' interacted with the development of musical genres, and the idea of 'high' and 'low' culture.

Visual Archiving: Enriching the Memorial Landscape

Claire Eldridge (School of History & School of Languages, Cultures and Societies)
On the use of new media by marginalized communities to create, manage and make use of their own archives.

Utopian Visions of the State in the Global South

Bobby Sayyid (School of Sociology and Social Policy)
A re-examination of state development and national building in the non-Western world not as so much deviation from a Western model but as a new, different model.

Shh! Encounters in the Unquiet Library

Bridget Bennett (School of English & School of History & Leeds Library)
On libraries as overlooked sites of dissidence and activism.

Can Professional Institutions Save the World?

Rob Lawlor (Inter-discplinary Applied Ethics/School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science; School of History, Faculty of Engineering, School of Earth & Environment/Priestley Centre)
On how new ethical standards become integrated into professional practice and the lessons to be learned for sustainable development in the age of climate change.

The Spirit and the Letter

Paul Wilson (School of Design; School of Languages, Cultures and Societies & School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies)
On the links between visual design, linguistic design, political radicalism, and experiments in utopian living.

Thinking for Dark Times: Exploring the Legacies of Zygmunt Bauman

Griselda Pollock (School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies; School of Languages, Cultures and Societies & School of Sociology and Social Policy)
New directions in the critical study and development of Bauman’s work as a timely arts & humanities resource.