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Writing the Now: Conjuncture

Wednesday 29 May 2024, 6-8pm

Writing the Now: ConjunctureThe image depicts hands submerged in grains of rock salt. The image is in black and white

Image credit: 'Osmosis' ally walsh, 2016. Photograph: Fenia Kotsopoulou.

The Writing the Now collective is pleased to be joined by four fantastic UK writers - Jemma DesaiSuhaiymah Manzoor-KhanLola Olufemi and Sita Balani to engage on our theme of 'Conjuncture' in an online roundtable.

The question of how to capture the distinctiveness of our present moment animates our focus on conjuncture - in the UK facing a general election, and in more immediate terms, a moment of terrible imperial inaction, repression, and resistance in constellation; and simultaneous worldwide resistance in solidarity with Palestine.

We are keen to make space for this within our theme of the role of 'writing the now':· How can writing handle complexity, confluence, conjuncture?· How can writing hold modes of political conceptualisation that does not fall into tramlines of causality, of agency vs structure, of ideology vs affect, of big vs small, of particular vs general?

Monday 29 April 6 - 8pm


Join and sign up at this link:

Session convenors: ally walsh and Jess Wright