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Social justice in and through educations

Social justice in and through educations

Series Convenors:

Dr Katie Hodgkinson (School of Languages, Cultures and Societies & School of Politics and International Studies)

Professor Caroline Dyer (School of Politics and International Studies)

Dr Aylwyn Walsh (School of Performance and Cultural Industries)

Dr Lou Harvey (School of Education)

Project overview

Scholars have adopted a wide range of conceptualisations of social justice to analyse how (in)justices play out in different forms of education (formal, non-formal and informal), and how educations can contribute to social (in)justice. However, two key factors are largely missing in these approaches. Firstly, whilst young people are the key demographic of educational programming, their understanding and experiences of social justice in and through educations are often absent from academic and policy-based discussions. The conceptualisation and development of socially just educations are therefore created with little, if any, attention to the voices and experiences of youth themselves. Secondly, whilst a broad range of disciplines work in the field of education and social justice, these disciplines often operate in silo. This limits the potential for more comprehensive and cohesive understanding of the relationships between social justice and education in different contexts.

This Sadler Seminar Series therefore seeks to develop youth-led and interdisciplinary understandings of social justice in and through educations.

The project comprises a series of international online workshops with young people. These workshops will use participatory methods from across the fields of education, social sciences, and the arts and humanities to understand how young people define social justice in and through educations in their contexts. The initial findings of these workshops, as well as further academic and youth-led work examining social justice in and through educations, will be discussed in a hybrid workshop at the end of the project.

Research Questions

  • How do young people conceptualise social justice in and through educations?
  • How can interdisciplinary approaches develop new understandings of social justice in and through educations?




Developing an integrated approach to social justice that encompasses academics’ and young people’s perspectives


‘The event is part of the 2022-23 Sadler Seminar Series’
11th July 2023

Scholars have adopted a wide range of conceptualisations of social justice to analyse how (in)justices play out in different forms of education (formal, non-formal and informal), and how educations can contribute to social (in)justice. However, two factors are missing in these approaches: young people’s perspective and interdisciplinarity.

The aim of the project was to build on, and extend, the previous research on the topic to develop youth-led and interdisciplinary understandings of social justice in and through educations. Our final event will provide the opportunity to have exchanges between a group of young people from different countries, and academics. They will be engaged in some activities in order to have an active role in the shaping of a new concept of social justice in and through educations. The event will take place on Zoom, and anyone interested is welcome to join us. Please find below the link to register for the event:


The registered participants will receive an email with the meeting ID and passcode. We hope to see you there! Cogs moving between two light bulbs