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Hilary Potter

LAHRI Manager
Baines Wing 2.25
Arts, Humanities and Cultures
Leeds Arts and Humanities Research Institute

I am a German Studies scholar by training, with a particular interest in German culture, identity and remembering but also have interests in translation, disability studies, and early career related matters. I am working on three publications – a guide on turning your PhD into a monograph, an article on how translation theories and disability in the HE workplace intersect, and a chapter on memorial engagement via the mediums photography and an exhibition in-a-box.

I re-joined the University of Leeds in 2023 as the Institute Manager for the Leeds Arts and Humanities Research Institute. I previously worked in the School of Languages Culture and Societies here at Leeds and have also taught at the universities of Cardiff, Newcastle and Royal Holloway. I also worked for the Welsh Joint Education Committee (WJEC). Prior to re-joining Leeds I worked at the University of York as part of the NCELP team, now Language Driven Pedagogy.

As LAHRI manager I get to work with researchers from across the university, as well as external stakeholders, facilitating interdisciplinary research. I manage internal funding schemes including the Sadler Seminars, LAHRI Pump-Priming scheme, LAHRI Speculative Conversations, LAHRI Postdoctoral Visiting Fellowship Scheme, as well as external funding schemes including LAHRI/LUCAS Virtual Fellowship Scheme, Brotherton Fellowships and Bedford Fellowships. I manage LAHRI’s internal and external communications to promote opportunities and successes, support networking events connecting researchers within and beyond the arts and humanities. I also manage the Institute’s estate and resources, HR and finance matters.


  • BA Hons in French, German and European Studies (University of Bath)
  • PhD in German Culture (University of Bath)
  • CELTA (University of Bath)

Professional memberships

  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA)
  • Women in German Studies


How to Turn your PhD into a Book, Peter Lang (forthcoming, 2025)

Remembering Rosenstrasse. History, Memory, Identity in Contemporary GermanyOxford: Peter Lang, 2018

Man kann der Verantwortung nicht entrinnen.” Remembering Rosenstrasse 75 Years On. German Life and Letters, Nr.3 (July 2020)

Transnationalism, Reflection and Projection in Babylon BerlinSpecial Issue Watching the Transnational Detectives Conference ProceedingsModern Languages Open

On the Year Abroad Experience and Positive Wellbeing,, (March 2020)

Literature and Film, 1990 to the Present Day, in Dunphy, G & Scott, P. eds. The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, Brill, Volume 82

Research groups and institutes

  • Leeds Arts and Humanities Research Institute